CCT’s Bartoz Hetmanczuk achieves BRONZE engineer
Bart served as an engineer in the Polish Navy before graduating from Tech High with qualifications in repairs of industrial machines and devices. In the UK he attained City and Guilds level 2 in electrical installation & joined FASSI main dealer Central Crane Technicians three years ago. Bart is seen here receiving his FASSI BRONZE award from FASSI UK's Product Support Engineer & coach Ken West. Bart is also accomplished in setting up the FASSI FSC system & is well on his way to his GOLD installer award.
The FASSI training academy is a structured training and coaching program leading to Bronze, Silver and Gold skills accreditation once the necessary skills have been demonstrated. It represents an investment in the independent crane installation, service & repair sector of which FASSI UK, through our authorised network, is the most vigorous supporter & promoter amongst the major manufacturers. There are 85 engineers enrolled in the FASSI training academy nationally.
Author: Central Crane Technicians